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Ashley Strout

I’m a web developer from New Hampshire. I work for FirstTracks Marketing.
A bit more…

…A bit more

I’ve been doing website development since I was about 10. I’m 20-something now, and the web has changed a lot since I started. Following those twists and turns has always been interesting and exciting for me, and if that ever ceases to be the case I’ll quit doing websites and become an airline pilot.

Most of my work time is spent at FirstTracks Marketing, which is an unusual marketing company because we do about as much dev as we do marketing. I’m the senior developer, helping to plan and execute a wide range of different projects. Most of the focus is on ecommerce – specifically using WooCommerce – but that takes a number of shapes. I’ve done everything from small stores selling a handful of simple products to companies doing $30 million+ in physical, virtual, and subscription products. Each one has its own challenges, and a good day is when I get to talk to a new or existing client about some new sales model they want to implement and the wheels start spinning of how to take my existing knowledge and also learn some new things to make their idea happen.

Some projects I’m particularly proud of are Scorbit, where I built a multi-tiered subscription-based device licensing system with its own API, and Feminist Book Club, where I extended WooCommerce Subscriptions to allow addons, monthly orders on semi-annual subscriptions, and a voting system for members.

Outside of work, I’m a transgender woman who enjoys reading philosophy, building PCs, hiking with friends, and travel.